Let's just say that I cleaned the crap out of my house today...with hubby's help. Feels soooo nice and fresh and clean! I think we'll be good for a while now.... especially since I clean every day it feels like. But now we are prepped for our carpet clean on Tuesday.
Aaaannnnddddd I will be paying for this tomorrow. My back and joints are already achy. I guess that's what you get for bending over toilets, doing dishes and laundry, vacuuming, and wiping down baseboards all day, among other things.
Oh, and random cool deal of the moment: we went to Blockbuster last night (which we hardly do anymore because they're so expensive; we usually Redbox something or just Netflix it) and we stumbled into a really cool deal. We rented an older movie (as in, it wasnt on the new release shelf) and it was free....which was awesome already. Then we were told that it's a 1 day rental and if we bring it back before midnight, we can get another movie for free; it even includes new releases as well. We can even trade out multiple times a day if we wanted to. So basically unlimited rentals until July 4th. So that's pretty cool! You can only get one at a time though. But still. I always love a good deal! Tony and I are taking advantage of this so we are essentially renting movies for free for like 2 weeks. We didnt and arent spending a dime for this :)
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