Went to lunch with my mom today (where I got a yummy Apple Harvest Grilled Chicken Salad) and had a good time catching up (and dishing about my fears of hospitals). We also went to the store to look for baby shower ideas and we planned the rest of it out. I cant wait to see some friends and family who I havent seen in forever (and likely might not see again - or rather, have the ease to see them on a whim again - for quite a while). We stopped by the pediatrician's office too and figured out what we needed to do in order for Anistynn to go there (it turns out it's really simple, so I'm excited about that). It was actually my pediatrician that I had starting out as a baby and morphing into my childhood years...so it will be sweet that Anistynn will have the same doctor that I did as a kid :) From there, we figured out what insurance they accepted and thus made the decision that we will be going with Healthy Kids! We had looked at it before but I wanted to see what the pediatrician's office would accept and then go from there (I really wanted baby girl to go there because I was comfortable with the environment and the doctor - which is super important - and it's like right down the road from our place and that appeals to someone with a little baby). It seems to be a good fit. I've heard it's good from some friends of mine that have it but if anyone else has any input on it, I'd still like to know. However, that's more than likely what we're going with and I'm content. It makes me feel good when things come together when I was so worried about it before!
My mom and I stopped by Starbucks on our way back (and no, I still havent a had a single cup of coffee since I've been preggo) and I got this Passion Iced Tea with lemonade mixed in (totally caffeine-free) and it was delish! After we got back to my place, I showed my mom all the things we had for Anistynn so far and there was lots of "oohs" and "ahhs" over all the little girlie clothes :)
Ashlee, Tony, and I ended the night by renting Sucker Punch and it turned out to be kind of lame. I thought it would be a girl power movie and it ended up being pretty depressing. At least in my opinion. I was also bummed that Vanessa Hudgens was in it (she annoys me a trite). Whatevs. Now I'm about to head to bed, with baby girl moving all around, doing what feels like flips inside my belly! (Did you know that babies can actually do flips in their mama's tummies and can tie knots in the umbilical cord? Fun fact!)
Good night!
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