
May The 4th Be With You

......and so it goes. That's posted everywhere today on Facebook and it has been every year since I've even had a Facebook. I just know that when May 4th rolls around, that's all I'm gonna be seeing ;)

Tony brought me a rose home today. It was very sweet. He also picked up some pregnancy and parenting magazines for me as well. I love when he does little things like that - nothing big, it just lets me know he's thinking about me :)

So I've been experiencing more and more movement in my tummy! I was feeling lots of fluttering, similar to blowing bubbles or popcorn popping, but after the anatomy ultrasound when they pushed all around my belly and I felt her actually kick for the first time, she's been doing it a lot ever since! It's still mainly flutters, but every now and then, I'll get a little harder kick. I'm sure in the coming weeks, it will just grow into more intense feelings, but for now, it's pretty insane to feel that! Funny thing is, she sits still all day long when I'm out and about, but then she starts twirling around and doing goodness knows what else as soon as I lay down to go to sleep at night. She keeps me up tossing and turning for a good hour each night before I finally fall asleep! I just know she's going to be an active little girl - perhaps she'll play sports or will be a dancer. Hey, I'm on board for anything - the more she wants to do, the better! :)