2 months. My baby girl is 2 months old today. Wow. Time is a flyin'! So not only is it a big deal, but she conquered a milestone today - she LAUGHED! I'm talking a full on laugh. Here's how it went down:
Tony had just gotten home from work and I was finishing up feeding Anistynn. We were getting ready to go visit my grandparents (her great-grandparents) but I wanted to take a couple of pictures before we left to mark her 2 month milestone in her baby book. So we started taking pictures of her sitting on the couch. I picked her up to get in better light and right when I positioned her (holding her up and out to the front so Tony could take a picture) she started laughing. At first, I didnt know what was happening because I wasnt expecting it at all. She started out with a quick giggle and then continued for at least 5 seconds or more. That may not sound like a lot, but think One Mississippi, Two Mississippi style. Tony and I were both in shock. He just stood there with the camera, staring at her for a few seconds and then he snapped a couple pics. Of course, my face is crazy because she had been laughing and I couldnt believe it, but she stopped smiling right when he snapped them... Sigh. Oh well, it was great. I cannot believe it. It was sooo precious. And I just LOVE that Tony and I were both there at the same time and heard it. I couldnt see it (only an upturned corner of her mouth from the side) but I was almost in tears, I couldnt believe it. Good tears, though ;) Here are some pics from today (the ones where my face is crazy was when she had just laughed):
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