
Too Fast!

Anistynn is one month old today. Can you believe it? I certainly cant. Everyone always says this but it's really true: time just goes so fast. I cant wait to see how she transforms into a little girl with a big personality. I cant wait to watch her learn. And I really cant wait to watch her grow and morph into who she is going to be (and who she will resemble as she grows up)! But.... I love her at this stage! I love her being all teeny tiny and I dont want her to grow up! It's such a conflicting feeling. Of course, I know there's nothing I can do to stop it, so I will just have to enjoy every moment with her right now.

Today I cleaned our whole apartment. It really wasnt bad (that's the beauty of living in a smaller place) but I still wanted to clean everything. So far, we've actually been really good about keeping things fairly neat and clean even while tending to a newborn. (Dont worry, Anistynn always comes first and we're not worrying ourselves with having to keep our place clean, but it's just happening naturally - so we'll take it!) But today I wanted to deep clean. So Tony took Anistynn on a walk in her carrier and I got to work. Laundry, dishes, kitchen, bathrooms, dusting, more work on the nursery (which is seriously almost done - we just have to hang up photos and we're done!) and vacuuming - check, check, check, and a million times check! I might have overdone it a bit but I've been feeling so good physically lately that I didnt think it would do anything. But now I'm super sore and I had to take some medicine (the first time I've had to in over a week). They tell you at the hospital not to lift anything heavy, drive, or do any housework until the recovery period is over (which is 6 weeks)..... but still - I dont think I did anything wrong, I probably just did too much at once. And because I'm technically still recovering (despite me feeling good), if I do too much, it affects me. Sigh. Well, I still feel good about it because who doesnt like being in a freshly cleaned house?? 

Oh and another bit of good news (at least for me): I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans! I wore them to the pumpkin patch yesterday. I actually went to put them on thinking I wouldnt be able to get them over my thighs but lo and behold, they slipped right up and zipped and buttoned. I was super stoked! It's the first time I've worn pants that buttoned in months. I wore regular jeans up until about 6 months or so of pregnancy and then I switched over to the maternity pants because frankly, they were just more comfortable. And then after I had Anistynn, I just wore sweats, pajama bottoms, and nightgowns. I also wore skirts and dresses. But I tried on my jeans yesterday and it was awesome. Such a good feeling :) Mama is getting her groove back!