We are scheduled! I called to schedule my anatomy ultrasound this morning and the lady wanted to schedule me for May 2nd because I would be in my 19th week. They like to schedule it for the 19th week to make sure they can tell. I've heard from most of my friends that they all found out in their 18th week. That's what I've kind of been expecting. Plus, we are going to Durango on April 28th and we really wanted to know the sex of our baby before we went, if it was possible. I asked the lady and she said she could schedule me for April 27th. She said we would most likely find out but there is a slight chance we wouldnt, which would mean we'd have to come in again. So I went ahead and made the appointment for the 27th. I will be like 18 1/2 weeks along at that point and I'm willing to take a risk. The original appointment she wanted me at was only 5 days later, so I'm hoping we will be able to tell at this appointment. If we cant, we will have to go in again - which means we have to pay for 2 ultrasounds. But with insurance, it wont be horrible and we're willing to take a chance so that we can maybe know before we head to Durango! I feel like we will definitely find out then.... I just have this feeling. Plus, so many people I know found out at 18 weeks, so I'm confident we will too. But again, if we dont, we'll know right when we get back from our trip! Just a couple more weeks! :)
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