
Bye Bye Bentlee & Marlee! =(

Today Bentlee went to a new home. It was a long time coming but now it's official. When I first got him for my birthday from Tony, I thought he was the cutest thing ever. I worked with him day in and day out to train him and I loved on him like crazy. But as he got older, his personality emerged more and as time went on, it was clear he wasnt a good fit for us. But me not wanting to give up, I kept working with him and working with him. Finally, when I learned I was pregnant, and I got so sick, everything went out the window. With Tony workng full time and me not feeling well at all, Bnetlee just wasnt getting the attention he needed. He started acting out even more than usual and it was becoming extremely difficult to take care of him, especially in the current condition. So after months of working with him, spending hundreds of dollars on him, and him costing us thousands of dollars (we have to get our place re-carpeted because he completely ruined it with accidents and many rips and tears along the edges), it was finally time to say good bye. He wasnt the right fit for our family and he would do much better in a new location. After spending about a month interviewing people and doing background checks, we finally picked a girl and her fiance. They live in Washington, she hardly works, and they have another Doxie. Plus her sister also has two Doxies, as well. So he will be surrounded by people who can give him more time and a more consistent schedule, as well as a bunch of new friends! I hopes by him being there, he can grow into the best dog I know he can be. While it was a relief, it was also sad for me and I cried a bit. Tomorrow will be even harder as we have to give Marlee to a new home too because of partly the same situation as Bentlee (being cooped up all day, hardly taken for walks, and just not enough attention), and I've also unfortunately developed an allergy to him. So this is a hard week for me, along with being so sick. 

Oh and I just learned that Tony's brother TJ and his wife Beth will be coming up this weekend, so that's just one more thing to get ready for. I really hope I start feeling better so I can go to dinner with them since they wont be here long at all!

Bentlee - I hope you thrive in your new home with your little friends and new parents. I'm sorry we couldnt give you what you needed from us =(

Marlee - You are a beautiful dog; smart, loyal, outgoing, and sweet. I HATE to have to give you up but I know it's selfish if I keep you. I really hope that you remember us because we love you sooo much and hate to see you go! =(

We'll miss both of you boys!