My friends, Dana & Mario, have a sweet little girl named Maddie. She turns 3 on Monday but they had her party for her today. We got an invite so of course we went! Dane Dane and I have been good friends since high school. I still cant believe she has a 3 year old - time flies! Anyway, Maddie's party was the first friend birthday party that she has attended. We had a lot of fun. She even played Pin the Tail on the Donkey :) Her number was 24 and she pinned it right in the middle of the donkey! She got a prize for playing too (a pretty princess necklace)! Anistynn gave Maddie a card with a "Princess" pin in it, a Sleeping Beauty Barbie, and Princess lip gloss (7 of them; one for each day of the week) for her birthday. The only bummer of the day was her hitting her head. Tony was holding her facing out at the waist and I guess she just kind of let herself go instead of holding herself up... and unfortunately, they were near a table and she just hit her head right on it! She cried for bout a minute and then recovered okay. She got a bruise pretty quick though, which is ultimately a good thing. But still, it made this mama's heart ache :/ Here are pictures from the day (the last two are where you can really see her bruise - bless her heart, she was still smiling)!
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