So when putting the memory card from our old camera into our new one, we happened upon a random discovery! Apparently, there were pictures saved to the internal memory that we had never seen before! I'm not sure why or how that happened, but needless to say, it was a nice surprise as they were pictures from the hospital and baby girl's birth!!!! I'm going to post them, even though I look horrendous in some (I mean, I did just have a baby and was totally out of it from the meds and surgery and whatnot), but I'm posting them because I want to remember the moments. Despite how I may have looked, I do remember these moments and it brings back a wave of happy emotion and nostalgia (as if this happened years ago). The pictures were taken in the surgery room and our recovery room where it was just Tony, Anistynn, and I (well, and a nurse) before I was moved to my main recovery room where my family was waiting (where some other pictures were taken, as well). We stayed in this room for about an hour so it was just our new family of 3 for one hour. It was surreal and amazing. I dont remember the pictures being taken actually, but I do remember all of it. I've relived the day Anistynn was born over and over in my mind. I still cant believe it happened sometimes. But most of all, I still cant believe a baby so beautiful, smart, and healthy came out of ME!!!
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