
** 8 Months **

Anistynn turned 8 months old today! On a side note, 8 just so happens to be my favorite number.... 

- My name is 8 letters long.
- I was born in August, the 8th month. 
- I was born in 1988. (I was ALMOST born on the 8th day, so my birthday w\ould have been 8.8.88 BUT I happened to come out on the 6th instead - that's okay though... it's still an even number!)
- Anistynn's name is 8 letters long. 
- Anistynn was born on the 16th, which is the sum of 8+8, so double the fun! Twice is nice :)

Anyway, sorry for that random detour.... My baby is 8 months old today! So here are some pictures and videos from the last month or so:

And here she is today - 8 months! 

And here are a couple videos I took the other day of Anistynn getting herself down from a sitting position and pushing back up to one, as well as her getting on all fours! She's about to get seriously mobile!!