Tony and Josh went to Windells today to go do some biking so I decided I would use the time to clean more. Lia came over and kept me company. I thoroughly deep cleaned the living room, bathroom, and kitchen. I spent about 5 hours cleaning and I'm sooooo sore. Oh my goodness. Cleaning is not what it used to be - I really felt pregnant today. I got tired really quickly. I was bending over washing all the cabinets and walls and I just really started to feel the weight. I havent gained a whole bunch or anything but today is where I really felt it most so far. But I feel like a lot of progress was made. I'm not quite where I want to be yet but I'm getting there! We ended the night with a movie and now Tony and I are watching a couple episodes of Friends before hitting the sack. The kiddos are spending the night and we will all head to church tomorrow morning. Good night!
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