You are the thunder and I am the lightning,
And I love the way you know who you are,
And to me it's exciting,
When you know it's meant to be,
Everything comes naturally.
And I love the way you know who you are,
And to me it's exciting,
When you know it's meant to be,
Everything comes naturally.
Exciting news! Tony and I are ENGAGED! It's so funny that I just wrote a blog on our story last time and where we were at and now we are engaged! I can't tell you how much that 8 month break was needed for us to realize that we were better off together. Back in early 2008 when I first started talking to him, I just had this feeling that we would end up together. It was such a strong feeling that I HAD to trust it. I'd never had it before - sure, I had loved other people and entertained ideas of a future with one, but with Tony, it's like I didn't even have to consider it. I just knew. We talked every single night for 5 months and then we finally met. We started "officially" dating when he came to Oregon for the first time and we remained together for 8 months. Then we had our 8 month break to figure out some things and got back together last October. So we've been back together for 5 months now and by the time we get married, we will have been together for 1 year and 10 days (not counting the first 8 months). So all together, we will have been by each others side for about 2 years and known each other for almost 3.
Let me tell you how he did it.
Last week, we were hanging out watching movies and stuff and then he went home. I went in to my bedroom to go to bed and there was a card that he had made sitting on my pillow. It was entitled "Love in Cloud 9" and it proceeded to tell me how he couldn't be happier with me and it just fits when we're together. Really cute stuff. [I love that sappy romantic stuff and I can't even begin to tell you how much I love homemade cards!] Well, then on Friday, when we got home from our day of remembering Aimee (his mom who died last year in March), I walk into my room only to find a bottle of sparkling cranberry juice and another made-for-me card. He had drawn a few daisies on the front and he entitled it "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not," which, indeed, when you counted the petals, always fell on "He Loves Me." Inside the card, he proceeded to tell me just how much he loves me and that he can see all his future endeavors with me including having kids. He stated that he wanted to be the one to stand by my side for the rest of our lives and that he knows he's not perfect but he hopes that the love has has for me can make up for that. Then, at the end, he said, "I'm really liking the date 10.10.10." Which, for those of you who are close to me and know me very well - this is the date that I have WANTED to get married on for a very long time. I always thought it would be awesome. You see, I have this thing with odd numbers - I can't stand them. I eat M&M's in twos, when I'm reading I have to leave off on an even-numbered page, and when I get married, it's got to be on an even-numbered day. And to top it all off, October is my favorite month and I always thught it would be nice to get married during that month. When the 2000's hit, I thought of 10.10.10 and constantly mentioned how it would be awesome to be married on that date. Well, Tony is making my dreams come true!
I realize that it is only about 7 months away, but we can do it. When I started planning my wedding to him last time, I was able to find stuff that I loved and wanted. Those things haven't changed. It's really just a matter of reserving everything now. And I have to admit, I was very worried about the place because you should book it a ways in advance and I had fallen in love with this cute little place in Oregon City last time... I took a chance and contacted the owner who I had met last time and told him I would still love to get married there. I told him the date and that I realized that it may already be taken but I thought I would ask. He then told me that it was STILL AVAILABLE!!!!! He told me that not only would he transfer my $1,000 deposit from last time over to this time (kind of as a postponement), but that we would get another $1,000 off for having it on a Sunday AND that he would give us ANOTHER $500 off to help us have more to our wedding. In his words: "I hope the $1500 off can help you with the planning of your perfect wedding - you have certainly waited long enough for it!!" He is such a nice person and they are very willing and helpful for all your needs. He also told me that the wedding planner will be in touch with me next week to get started (when you reserve a date here at this place, you automatically get a wedding planner included)! You have no idea how excited I am.
I will post pictures of the ring when I get it - it's still being put together. Tony was having something done with it to make it unique so I'm stoked to see what he's thought of this time! In case you are wondering, it is NOT the ring he gave me the first time. He said that we need a fresh start all around, which is the purpose of the new ring. But when I get it, you know pictures will be posted!!! What I also find cool is that not only am I getting married in October, but my sister is getting married in August, and my best friend is getting married in July!!!! WOW!
This is an exciting year and I think it will be 100 times better than last year!!! Check out what's already happened and what is yet to come:
~ I threw Tony a surprise birthday party with all of our friends and he loved it.
~ Tony got me a day at the spa for Valentine's Day and then he took me to a movie [Valentine's Day] and a fancy dinner at Mutu's.
~ My family is coming at the end of this month (March) to visit for Spring Break.
~ Tony and I are both quitting our jobs and moving to Oregon before June!
~ We are going on a vacation FINALLY for the 2 of us to Orlando to visit all the theme parks [Disney World, Epcot, Disney MGM, Animal Kingdom, and both Universal Studios parks] in either May or June!
~ We are moving into a nice town house [which we plan on purchasing and living there until we find a house that we love and then we will move into there and rent out the townhouse as extra income].
~ We are getting new jobs and it will be a nice change of pace to have some time off and more of a regular schedule so that we can spend time with our loved ones.
~ Kimberly [my best friend] is getting married in July and I'm her maid of honor!
~ My sister, Tera, is getting married in August at Wallowa Lake!
~ I turn 22 in August.
~ I get MARRIED in October!!!!!
** Plus getting to do all the holidays with my family this year will be amazing and the fact that Tony gets to partake in all the festivities is such a blessing.
~ I threw Tony a surprise birthday party with all of our friends and he loved it.
~ Tony got me a day at the spa for Valentine's Day and then he took me to a movie [Valentine's Day] and a fancy dinner at Mutu's.
~ My family is coming at the end of this month (March) to visit for Spring Break.
~ Tony and I are both quitting our jobs and moving to Oregon before June!
~ We are going on a vacation FINALLY for the 2 of us to Orlando to visit all the theme parks [Disney World, Epcot, Disney MGM, Animal Kingdom, and both Universal Studios parks] in either May or June!
~ We are moving into a nice town house [which we plan on purchasing and living there until we find a house that we love and then we will move into there and rent out the townhouse as extra income].
~ We are getting new jobs and it will be a nice change of pace to have some time off and more of a regular schedule so that we can spend time with our loved ones.
~ Kimberly [my best friend] is getting married in July and I'm her maid of honor!
~ My sister, Tera, is getting married in August at Wallowa Lake!
~ I turn 22 in August.
~ I get MARRIED in October!!!!!
** Plus getting to do all the holidays with my family this year will be amazing and the fact that Tony gets to partake in all the festivities is such a blessing.
Okay, I think I've rambled quite enough - if anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to tell me!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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